Three Students Overdose On Bus

December 7, 2023

Three Chiefland Middle/High School Students aged 15, 15, and 16 ingested a near fatal overdose of drugs before school. All three began suffering symptoms of the overdose as they arrived at school and were immediately taken to the on campus Medical building. These three students are assigned to the Focus program and do not have interaction with mainstream students, thankfully lessening the chances of others being exposed.

School Resource Deputy John Gulledge and EMS were contacted and responded to the Medical building. Deputy Gulledge utilized Narcan which revived one child and paramedics had to utilize Narcan on one of the other students. All three students have been transported by ambulance to a local hospital for further treatment and observation.

Levy County School officials alerted the parents of these students and immediately took precautions to ensure the safety of students in the impacted areas. Medical personnel checked the students who were present and none reported symptoms of exposure. 

This investigation is on-going by both the Levy County Sheriff’s Office and School Board officials. All three students are expected to make a full recovery but could be subject to both criminal charges as well as further discipline sanctions by the School Board.