Law Enforcement Bureau
Law Enforcement Bureau


Levy County Sheriff’s Office
9150 NE 80th Avenue
PO Drawer 1719
Bronson, Florida 32621

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Citizens On Patrol

Citizens On Patrol – C.O.P. volunteers are everyday citizens from all walks of life that contribute their time, energy, experience, and expertise to assist the Levy County Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Levy County. C.O.P. uses well-trained, uniformed volunteers to assist the Sheriff’s Office in nonviolent, non-confrontational activities, thus allowing Deputies to focus on more urgent issues.  With this program, citizens do not have to sit idly by growing more and more concerned about the crime in our communities. Now citizens can get proactively involved and make a difference by volunteering their time to assist the Sheriff’s Office with duties which are necessary services but which do not require the attention of a certified Law Enforcement Officer.  Contact Lt. Max Long regarding COPs program application,, 352.486.5111

Bobby McCallum, Sheriff
9150 NE 80th Avenue
PO Drawer 1719
Bronson, Florida 32621

Lieutenant Max Long,
Community Relations Division

9150 NE 80th Avenue
PO Drawer 1719
Bronson, Florida 32621