Guilty as Charged

July 26, 2024

On November 8, 2023 Levy County Detectives arrested John V. Lewis 9/30/77 of Williston for sexual battery on a person over 18. Lewis has been held in custody at the Levy County Detention Center since his arrest. The details of this case are too graphic to release, but we can say the victim of this crime can now rest easier knowing he will be behind bars for a long time to come.

On July 24, 2024 Lewis was convicted by a jury of his peers in Levy County. Sentencing has not been passed and has been scheduled for next month by Circuit Judge William Davis. We will provide an update on sentencing when it becomes available.

“Crimes against persons are the most difficult for law enforcement and prosecutors to work. The trauma caused to these victims cannot be measured but must be explained to a jury. The bravery of this victim to make the call and report the crime; the hard work and diligence of our detectives, victim advocates and the prosecution team who presented this case to the jury in order to convict Lewis must be recognized. A dangerous individual has been excised from our community and we hope and pray healing can now begin for the victim,” said Sheriff McCallum.