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Communications Bureau
Communications Bureau

Levy County Sheriff’s Office
9150 NE 80th Avenue
PO Drawer 1719
Bronson, Florida 32621

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Emergency 911 Addressing

The Levy County Addressing Office plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents and businesses throughout Levy County. By providing a comprehensive and uniform system of permanent road addresses, enabling efficient public safety and emergency response services.

Having countywide road names and addresses in place helps law enforcement and emergency services departments save lives and protects property. When an emergency occurs, every second counts. With accurate and easily identifiable addresses, responders can reach the scene quickly, reducing response times and potentially preventing further harm.

This system not only benefits emergency services but also facilitates everyday activities. Having a consistent addressing system makes it easier for delivery services, utility companies, and other essential service providers to locate residences and businesses efficiently.

By implementing a comprehensive and uniform addressing system, the Levy County Addressing Office ensures that all residents and businesses have equal access to essential services and resources. Levy County Emergency 911 Addressing Office ensures a safe and well-connected community.


Requirements for Posting Emergency 9-1-1 (E911) Addresses

In accordance with Levy County Ordinance 93-6, every home/business in Levy County has been assigned an address.  This ordinance requires all homeowners and rental property owners to post their house numbers.

If you have questions regarding your address or have questions regarding the posting of your address, please contact the 911 Addressing Office located within the Levy County Sheriff’s Office at 352-486-5214 between 8:00AM and 4:30PM Monday through Friday.

House Numbers are Required to Be Posted Prior to Calling for Inspection
House numbers should be posted in the following manner to comply with Florida Building Code R319.1

Address Identification
Address identification shall be legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property. Examples of this would be:

  • At the entrance to the driveway and again on the home.
  • On the structure if it is clearly visible from the road. 

The numbers must not be less than 4” (four inches) high, not less than ½” wide, and of contrasting color from their background, preferably reflective. 

Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Where required, address identification shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Where access is by means of a private road and the building address cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole, or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. 

Address identification shall be maintained.

NOTE: Most mail carriers require the house numbers on the mailbox, however, in order to be in compliance with Florida Building Code the number must also be posted in the manner stated above. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Emergency 9-1-1 (E911) address?
An E911 address is a site specific, locatable address used by emergency services to determine your location. When you dial 911 from a land line phone in an emergency, the 911 system retrieves the subscriber information from the account. If you call from a cell phone, the system uses the GPS data from your phone. If that does not work, the system will triangulate your approximate position using the cell towers.

Why do I need an E911 address?
Primarily, to assist emergency services in responding to emergency calls. An E911 address helps emergency responders to locate residents. A faster response time can make a significant difference in survival and degree of recovery. However, E911 location addresses are also often required for phone service, building permits, driver license renewals, land titles, loans, mail delivery, utility services, insurance companies, and for other purposes requiring a site location.

When do I need an E911 address?
Many types of structures require an E911 address, including some types of agriculture, businesses, residences, and public areas such as parks, as well as water towers and cell towers.

How do I get an E911 address?
When you apply for your building permit, you are required to complete an E911 Address Application. Permit packages are available through the Levy County Building Department (352) 486-5200. You will be provided with your E911 address when your construction permit is issued. If you need to verify the E911 address for an existing structure, call our office at (352)486-5214.

How should I display my E911 address?
Seconds count when emergency responders are trying to locate an address. You are required to follow the guidelines of the House Number Posting Requirements document listed on the LCSO website to ensure your E911 address is properly displayed. You may also refer to Levy County Ordinance 93-6.

Will my E911 address change and why?
It is possible; there are many factors which are used to determine your address. If/when those factors change it may be necessary to change your E911 address in order to comply with the Levy County E911 addressing scheme so that emergency responders can better locate you in the event of an emergency.

Common reasons for an E911 address change

  • E911 address was out of sequence with respect to your neighbors. Addresses need to progress in sequence and
    should also be closely numbered to the addresses across the street.
  • House number is for the wrong side of the street. Even numbered addresses should all be on one side of
    the street and odd numbered addresses on the other side.
  • Address number was duplicated with another structure.
  • A private easement with two or more other parcels accessed off that same easement receives a new
    street name/number designation.
  • E911 address had to change as the result of other E911 address changes.

Who should I notify about my address change?
Following are several common entities you will need to notify: Power Company and Utility Providers, Place of Employment, Insurance Company, DMV, Cell Phone Company, Cable Company, Bank, Voter Registration, Property Tax Office, and Schools attended by your child/children.

What qualifies naming/numbering a road?
Any private easement providing access to two or more parcels is assigned an E911 street name/number regardless of whether it is private or public.

My private drive is now named/numbered, will the County now maintain the road?
No. The County named/numbered your road to make it easier to find in the event of an emergency. The County has not taken any ownership or any responsibility to maintain the road. The County will install and maintain only the road sign.

Download Levy County Addressing Procedure Guide

Arica Lesher,
E911 Director